

GEE TEE (Gaurav) said...

My beautiful and gorgeous Geeta. It was a massive pleasure knowing you mate. I hope you have a wonderful life, stay well and keep in touch. Cheers...

Anonymous said...

I will always remember when I met Geeta for the first time : it was close to the Canteen, she was looking for books... Few words in her perfect French et le reste sera donc en Francais. Entre resto italien et indien, entre lamentations sur Singapour et voyages au Cambodge, entre speed boat et tuk tuk, entre Sra Srang et Aman, entre rire et larmes... c est un peu de tout ca cette année avec Teeta!
On se retrouve au Quai d Orsay pour Sce Po Graduation!
ALAAAMA tu vas me manquer...

Anonymous said...

Geeta, is one of the hottest and prettiest girls I've ever met. Besides the beautiful outlook, her warmth, frankness, and all the inner beauty make her a wonderful friend to talk to.

All the best, beautiful Geeta.
